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13. Working With Your Learners

13.5. General Tips for Group Delivery

Facilitating In Person Group Activities 

If you engage with learners in a setting that supports some face to face facilitated sessions, from light touch support to more guided/directive approaches, hopefully the following general tips will be of use:


  • Make sure you understand the needs of the group, which may include things like goals, experience, how well the group know each other, digital literacy, support needs etc
  • Make sure the experience is learner centred - materials being used, pace, opportunity for discussion & reflection, maximise opportunities for peer learning 
  • Make sure you have clear, achievable objectives for the session

Running the session

  • Spend some time at the start of the session / series of sessions agreeing what you will be working on together, and how  you will work together. you may want to spend some time on an icebreaker discussion to build rapport, then introduce the structure of the session (s), how you will communicate with each other, the activities planned for that day
  • Ensure manner, level and pace of communication is appropriate at all times - you may need to slow down or speed up depending on how the group are engaging with the activities 
  • Encourage all members of the group to take part, as much as they can
  • Where needed manage times and timing of activities so you can maximise the usefulness of the session for al participants - it might be an idea to agree timings ahead of each activity and signpost the end of each activity 5-10 minutes ahead of time 
  • Be encouraging and celebrate all levels of engagement, progress and in particular encourage questions and discussion (where appropriate to the way you are delivering your session)

See below links to an example and blank session plan for you to use as a reference. 

Blank Session Plan

Example Session Plan

Have fun!