PDP: Academic Programme Step 5
In this Step you write the study guide for your new course which will support and steer the student through the learning as well as acting as a guide for support staff to create the course on an online platform. You will also use literature to inform your academic professional practice.
Online learning design: Writing your study guide
Tasks for this Step
- Watch narrated PowerPoint slide presentation on Authoring the study guide for your new course.
- Write your study guide for your new course following the template.
- Reinforce and assess your understanding so far by taking the Step 5 Quiz.
Resources for this Step
Narrated PowerPoint Authoring the study guide for your new course [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
Tip: to hear the narration, view the PowerPoint in Slideshow mode.
APP strand: The scholarship of learning and teaching
Tasks for this Step
- Learn how you can use the educational literature to find new ways of teaching.
- Write a teaching diary entry about a scholarly article you have read and how you could use this in your teaching.
Resources for this Step
Once you have completed the tasks for this Step you may take the Step 5 Quiz. You will need to attempt the quiz in order to progress to Step 6.
If you have completed the content above, and have time, you may look at these additional resources.