

It is vital to know what is happening in the farming environment and to have reliable measurements of vital parameters for stock health and welfare. Water quality is determined by key variables, such as temperature, oxygen levels, pH, conductivity, ammonia concentration, and many other parameters. Knowing these variables, and their likely effects on the welfare of the stock is key for the successful growth of the stock.

A number of novel innovative sensors were developed within the IMPAQT project. Our partners in the University of Rome Tor Vergata developed an engineered platform for automatic, reliable, repeatable, and low-consumption detection of Nitrites and phosphates. Here is information on their platform.

Download this video clip.Video player: unitovtv.mp4

Further details can be found here

Getting the data from the in situ sensor to the end-user is a key step in the process and having that data as soon as is possible is important to the farmer so they are aware of changes in parameters and the environment. To collect and transmit data from sensors that are underwater a novel underwater acoustic telemetry platform has been developed. The transmitter nodes can be attached to seaweed, cage nets, or can also be left floating in the water column. Listen to the Tyndall National Institute presenting their work. player: Sensor%20tyndall.mp4

More details can be found in this document

Last modified: Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 5:40 PM