Manufacturing of aquafeeds


The manufacturing process of aquafeeds starts with the raw materials, which upon reception and storage, have to be analyzed for their nutritional content. Then, the various raw materials are weighed and ground, so that we have a mixture with the homogeneous particle size. Then this mixture will go into the formation of pellets by extrusion or pelleting, followed by drying. Extruded feeds often undergo a final stage of coating with oils and heat-sensitive additives. Finally, the quality control will check if feeds comply with the specifications of the recipe. Keep in mind that formulation and the manufacturing of feeds are closely linked.

Ingredients that are traditionally used in the formulation of aquafeeds include protein sources of marine origin, processed animal proteins made from by-products of the land-based animals, vegetable protein concentrates, defatted oilseed meals. As lipid sources fish oil, vegetable oils, and some terrestrial animal fats are normally used. Carbohydrate sources are all cereals and their co-products. And we have to add the vitamins and minerals and eventually other feed additives.

This is further detailed in the video below:

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 October 2021, 6:05 PM