Capstone Project: Create a Privacy Product Specification
In this capstone project, you'll combine everything you've learned so far to write a Privacy Product Specification for a product of your choice. You could choose a product you use often and are familiar with; a product you're considering building; or a product you worked on in the past and think could have and should have incorporated more privacy protections.
What is a Privacy Product Specification?
The concept was introduced by OpenMined in their course Our Privacy Opportunity. The aim of the specification is to:- Outline what the product is
- Using the Structured Transparency framework, describe the information flows involved and how these will be governed. Are input privacy and verification and/or output privacy and verification necessary for these information flows? If so, which PETs will you use to protect them?
- Present the business case for the product. Who is the target audience? What are their use cases and what value does your product provide them? How is it novel in comparison to existing products? The robust privacy protections may be the product's unique selling point, or it may be novel in other aspects.
💻 Exercise: choose a product or product idea, conduct privacy threat modelling for it using LINDDUN GO, and write a Privacy Product Specification informed by this threat modelling.
If you're struggling for ideas, check out these specifications written by learners in OpenMined's course:
Healthcare is also a great sector to consider, as the privacy vs. utility tradeoffs are particularly urgent. Products in this space have the potential to significantly improve access to medical care and reliable diagnostics, saving lives in the process. However, health data is highly sensitive and any accidental exposure of it could put patients at risk. What privacy protections would you suggest building into an app designed to enable patients to book appointments, view their medical history and test results, and receive reminders for vaccinations and check-ups?