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Managing complexity: A systems approach – introduction
Managing complexity: A systems approach – introduction

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7 Part 2: 3 Representing your experience of complexity

7.1 Introduction

The last activity was a demanding task. People I asked to do it during the writing of this unit, found it took a lot of concentration but it brought up lots of ideas, feelings and suggestions for action. Most of them were also concerned their rich picture might not be good enough. I imagine you will share some of these reactions. If you share any of these concerns, remember there are lots of ways of drawing a good rich picture and almost all rich pictures can be improved. Improving your rich picture, and your appreciation of the complex situation it represents, is the next task.

Activity 11

Review your rich picture.

When you come back after a break, spend about 5 minutes taking a good look at the rich picture. Is it as complete as you thought it was? Are you pleased with it? Are you stuck for ideas about how to improve it? Do new features strike you as you look at it? Do questions arise about it, or the complex situation it represents?

Make appropriate additions to the picture if necessary and record any thoughts or questions that occur to you in you Learning Journal.

Taking a break seems to be an important part of the process of drawing a rich picture. It is almost as if one of the characteristics of the process is to generate thoughts and ideas that only become apparent when you see it afresh.

You have now completed the fourth activity in the central spine of Figure 5.