This free course, Approaching literature: reading Great Expectations, considers some of the different ways of reading Great Expectations, based on the type of genre the book belongs to. This is one of the most familiar and fundamental ways of approaching literary texts. The novel broadens the scope of study of a realist novel, in both literary and historical terms. The course includes extracts from critical writings, which are discussed in detail.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
read and understand the classic novel Great Expectations, based on the genre of the book
The course is very interesting indeed. Different syle and effective use of prose shown to good effect. From seconary school, students of english literature at GCE Oridinary level, like me, often studied the subject above others, as the range of books seemed a good read in summer 1982! All students will remember a good teacher. Not unlike Great expectations, much background informatio with use of written synopsis, gere, plot, sub plot and abstract ideas from students and teacher.