In this course you have spent time thinking about who you are as a hybrid leader and what you would like to see happening in your organisation in the future in order to fully embrace the hybrid way of working. You have also explored what needs to be created or developed in terms of the environment and conditions in order for your employees to feel that they can bring their best self to work and enabling them to thrive in this new way of working.
You should now be able to:
- explain a few definitions of hybrid working and identify the steps needed to create a shared understanding of this term within your working environment
- analyse the effect hybrid working has on productivity and describe the ideal hybrid working environment
- compare traditional definitions of culture, articulate how these differ from hybrid culture and identify ways that a mixed culture can be grown and developed
- complete a self-reflection and identify how to become self-aware in the role as a hybrid leader in the new post-pandemic hybrid world, including how to be more resilient and become an active listener
- explain what is meant by accountability and appreciate how to create accountability in a hybrid world
- analyse the importance of empathy as a hybrid leader and distinguish it from sympathy.
What next?
Use the frameworks and techniques introduced throughout the course that are appropriate to your context to work with your teams and develop yourself as a hybrid leader, and/or share them with other hybrid leaders in your organisation.
You will find that taking the time to regularly step back and reflect on your own practices and approaches as a hybrid leader will help you reframe your current mindset and recognise where you could adopt a growth mindset that could help with any challenges ahead.
You might also like to look at platforms like LinkedIn to keep up to date with the current thoughts on hybrid working, or explore other OpenLearn courses on various aspects of professional development.
This course is part of the Supporting hybrid working and digital transformation collection [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , which you may wish to explore further.