4.3.4 What resources?
External resources are much the same: you may have accumulated some money and acquired some of the necessary equipment already.
The first step lies in identifying what you need. The second step is to identify the gaps between what you need and what you have, and to understand why it is important that they are covered.
Obviously, if you are still clarifying your idea and have not yet begun to plan or take concrete steps towards implementing your idea, it will be difficult to be precise about this. However, trying to identify the tasks needed and gaining some idea of the skills needed for your idea to become a successful, innovative product or service is an excellent way of achieving the clarity you are seeking.
Include the things that you need because of where you live as well. Do you need people who can complement your need to look after your family? Are there concerns about travel safety, etc.? Make a note of any issues like this, not necessarily in the table but just to ensure you deal with them as you develop your plan.
Task 26: Resource requirements
Make a list of your resource requirements as far as you can at this stage using the Resource requirements table [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . Don’t worry if it is quite rough – you can always revisit it later.
If you can estimate the financial requirements of each resource need then so much the better.