Everything You Need To Get You Started on OpenLearn


13. Working With Your Learners

13.2. Supported Online Delivery

Light Touch Support

If your learners have the IT skills and access required, as well as confidence to work independently online this means that the level of support you need to provide can be very light touch. All OpenLearn courses are written by OU Academics who are experts in online teaching and all the materials and activities are included within the course content. If a course offers a Statement of Participation or Digital Badge then as long as relevant activities are completed these are awarded to your learner direct from OpenLearn. 

Examples of support you may decide to offer:

  • Introductory group or individual session to give an overview of Openlearn, how it works and what is available. You may also discuss course choice at this stage
  • Check ins / catch ups on progress, success, challenges etc - this may be as part of another activity that you are undertaking with your learners. You may find it useful to use this example Open Learning Review Form . 
  • Celebrate success whether that is your learner gaining a digital badge, or learning something new within a course that's helped them in some way