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Kelli Boniecki Post 1

7 June 2018, 10:05 AM

What American Story Do We Resemble?

What American Story Do We Resemble?

The picture below was borrowed from the British Library Flickr Collection. The name of this picture was taken from the book, "The Brownie's at Home".

Reflecting on the picture and thinking about a modern-day children's book in many public libraries, child care programs and elementary schools, research the name of a book that resembles this book's message.

Once you have discovered the name of the book, use your imagination to retell what you would perceive to be the story from The Brownie's at Home as it connects to our modern day story. Create character names, actions they are making from the picture and the ending of the story.

Share with a friend or neighbor next to you to see if they came up with the same book and theme.

Hint for lesson plan not to be shared with students until after the activity. 10 Little Monkey's Jumping On the Bed would be a similar book to use as the theme. 

British Library digitised image from page 143 of "The Brownies at Home"

Jenni Hayman Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

8 June 2018, 2:17 AM
Great post and ideas Kelli, this image reminds me of a crazy children's book...
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ruth Lindsey-Armstrong Post 3 (summarised) in reply to 1

8 June 2018, 2:51 AM
What a fun idea! I love the historical perspective of literature!
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