Day 5 Discussion Forum and Activities

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Day 5 ActivitiesOPTION ONE: Create a digital image of your choice – it could be a picture from your garden, pet, shoe, hand or any other item of your choice. Add a Creative Commons license to your...

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Day 5 Activities


Create a digital image of your choice – it could be a picture from your garden, pet, shoe, hand or any other item of your choice. Add a Creative Commons license to your creative work.

You can choose to share you work in the Day 5 discussion forum in the course shell, in a social media space (blog, tweet, Instagram, Flickr), with family, friends, and colleagues, or just save it for your own reflection.


Begin a collection of images and resources for a project you will be working on, with copyright considerations in mind. This could be a course you are teaching or a video you hope to produce.

  • Review the CC Licensing options. Make a decision about which image licensing category to explore in Flickr Creative Commons or one of the other image collection sites listed above. (You can also explore FREE images available on Pixabay or Unsplash - these sites do not require any attribution, but recognition of author’s work is a good practice.)

  • Search for and collect 8-10 images to curate, download, manipulate and/or create a 'derivative'. You can save downloaded images to an image collection folder for later use.

  • Save attribution information for each of the images being collected using a word processing document chart template (such as the one used earlier in this module). Include a smaller version of the image in one column of your chart so you’ve collected an accurate summary for your files.

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