The main authors of this free course are Xavière Hassan and Maria Secova. It was first published in May 2021.
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Course image: Instants/Getty Images
Introduction, Figure 1: Granger / Shutterstock
Section 1, Figure 2: Moviestore collection Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo
Section 2.1, Figure 3: (c) Jean-Pierre Brundu
Section 2.1, Figure 4: ***(c) Georges Biard, This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike Licence
Section 3, Figure 5: Felix Mooneeram. Used under CCO public Domain licence. Unsplash
Section 4, Figure 6: (C) Raymond Cauchetier
Section 6, Figure 7, top image: LOIC VENANCE / Staff / Getty
Section 6, Figure 7, bottom left image: Photo 12 / Alamy Stock Photo
Section 6, Figure 7, bottom right image: Affiche: Collection Christophel / Alamy Stock Photo
Section 6, Céline Sciamma: dpa picture alliance archive / Alamy Stock Photo
Section 6, Houda Benyamina: Jerome Mars/JDD/SIPA/Shutterstock LLC
Section 6, Mia Hansen-Løve: John Macdougall/Getty Images
Section 7, Figure 8: AF archive / Alamy Stock Photo
Section 7.3, Figure 9: HAUT ET COURT / Allstar Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo
Video 1: The Open University
Video 2: The Open University
Video 3: BBC
Video 4: The Open University
Audio 1: The Open University
Section 4, La Nouvelle Vague: Taken from velle_vague.php
Section 6, Activity 13, Céline Sciamma bio: © Laurent Sciamma
Section 6, Activity 13, Houda Benyamina bio: Sourced from Wikipedia, cleared under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Section 6, Activity 13, Mia Hansen-Løve bio: Sourced from Wikipédia, cleared under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0)
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