This course has provided a brief overview of the fascinating world of French and francophone cinema. Work on grammar – such as expressing a comparison in French or understanding the structure of a sentence employing the infinitive, along with a range of vocabulary and comprehension exercises, have been embedded into the material. This course has looked at cinema as a commercial enterprise but also as an art form that can grapple with vital social and political issues. You have been introduced to France as the birthplace of modern cinema and read about the highly influential cinematic movement, the Nouvelle Vague.
Cinema certainly has a rich history, but the course has also underlined the vibrant contemporary world of filmmaking. You have learned about a new generation of female directors and examined some of their films that engage with societal issues. You will also have increased your knowledge of vocabulary relating to cinema and learned how to describe films and write reviews in French.
This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course L222 French Studies 2: language and culture of the French-speaking world [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .