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Hybrid working: organisational development
Hybrid working: organisational development

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9 A shorter week: thinking about long-term planning

This course has been designed to allow you to consider your organisational needs to assist with planning for change. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 requires public bodies to think about the long-term impact of their decisions. To assist with long term (and all planning) they have created a toolkit using the Three Horizons framework [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . Dr Louisa Petchey – Senior Policy Specialist, Public Health Wales – who was involved in the creation of the toolkit, explains how using it can help with long-term planning and thinking about the future.

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As we continue to evolve our approaches to work, and our expectations for work-life balance change, there have been calls to consider a shorter working week.

Read the article and watch the video below of Sophie Howe, the Future Generations Commissioner for the Welsh Government, to consider the implications of a shorter working week and continued remote working.

Future Generations Commissioner calls for Shorter Working Week trial

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Activity 29: Trialling a shorter working week

Timing: 15 minutes

Draw on the course and your understanding of your organisation to write a short summary of what you would need to consider to trial a shorter working week, a commitment to continued hybrid or remote only working, and the impact on your employees and students.

Once you have done this, you may wish to use the Three Horizon toolkit to work with others to develop your thinking of shorter working weeks, or another planning issue you may have outside the time allocated for studying this course.

You can develop your understanding further of planning for the future by studying the Hybrid working: planning course which explains the Three Horizons Framework and other frameworks for planning in more detail. You can find this course in the Supporting hybrid working in Wales collection.

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Planning for long term hybrid working and considering shorter working weeks, you may have thought about some the organisational impact this might have, the wellbeing of your employees and practicalities.

In the video below Natasha Davies, Policy and Research Lead from Chwarae Tegprovides insights for organisations to consider.

Download this video clip.Video player: hyb_1_2022_sept136_requirements_for_remote_working_natasha_davies.mp4
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