This free course, Watching the weather, describes how meteorological observations are made looking upwards from the surface of the Earth, looking downwards from satellites in space and from aircraft and balloons within the atmosphere. This international network of observations is vital for scientists and forecasters and the results impact on everyones daily activities.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
demonstrate general knowledge and understanding of some of the basic facts, concepts, scientific principles and language relating to meteorology and weather forecasting, in particular the techniques used to gather meteorological data
receive and respond to information presented in a variety of ways, including text, tables, graphs, diagrams, computer-based multimedia and websites
begin to understand how to develop personal learning strategies.
Found the course a little disappointing as no images are more recent than 2008 (and the oldest 2003), which makes me wonder if the content has not been updated for 15 years. It would be useful for all courses to show a last revised date.
Couldn't access the image bank which made this difficult to relate to. Kept coming up as an error. I also expected there to be much more on visual aspects to see weather fronts coming in etc.