Unit 2: Identify


2.1 What is a safeguarding framework?

In Unit 1, we looked at the definition of ‘safeguarding’ where organisations exercise their duty of care by putting measures in place to prevent and respond to harm to people in everything that they do.

The people to which organisations owe this duty of care includes the following:

  • Child: Any person under the age of 18 years in accordance with the definition under the almost universally ratified UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989.
  • Vulnerable Adult: Any person aged 18 or over who is, or may be, in need of care and support because of their age, gender, disability, sexuality, economic or political status and, as a result of this, is unable to protect themselves from either the risk or experience of neglect or abuse.
  • Staff: Persons employed part-time or full-time.
  • Associated personnel or representatives: Board member, volunteers, interns, contractors, consultants, ambassadors (includes staff and associated personnel of partner organisations).

Safeguarding is an organisational risk and therefore measures are required to span all organisational activity where there is direct or indirect contact with people. This activity includes general operations, procurement, programmes, activities, fundraising, communication, recruitment, management, policies and procedures, culture, mission and values, etc.


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Watch the video above which introduces you to The Safeguarding Framework.

Reflect on the safeguarding framework and consider the questions below:

  • How has the safeguarding framework helped you understand how broad the subject is?
  • How can the framework help you in advising other staff and representatives in your organisation who may be in different teams?