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Judith DeGroot Post 1

5 June 2018, 1:23 AM


I got on board with OE when my students told me that they had to pay $150 for a communication text I was using that was on almost tissue paper and was shrink-wrapped. I was embarrassed!

Research done at our university has cited that students will actually make decisions about what classes to take based on whether there is a textbook or not!!! Thought to myself, what every happened to making educational decisions based on what I want or need to learn!

The next semester, I eliminated the textbook from my communication course and have started the search for an applicable OER!

Jenni Hayman Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

5 June 2018, 2:38 AM
Great Judith, good practice, and good demonstration of empathy with your...
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Jennifer Nohai-Seaman Post 3 (summarised) in reply to 1

7 June 2018, 8:19 PM
Same here! The price of our text + online software was insane!
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