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That's Kim G!

Kim Gibson Post 1

5 June 2018, 7:01 PM

Moodle How-To OER

My team and I have been focusing on digital literacy for instructors at our faculty. We've started a "How-To" series for Moodle, which is a series of step-by-step instructions with pictures and self assessments on how to complete basic/intermediate tasks. Here's one I've shared on OER Commons for making fancy labels using HTML in Moodle:

The original document can be found here:

Happy modifying!

ruth Lindsey-Armstrong Post 2 in reply to 1

5 June 2018, 7:51 PM

What a great idea!

I have been developing a course in our LMS and am concerned about HTML documents. What I'm finding is that the documents to transfer into the course are very poorly formatted so are not translating well into HTML. I should create a video that shows how to format properly!
