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Zendrel Moore Post 1

11 March 2024, 10:10 PM

To expand my knowledge

MDT bring together different skills and expertise to meet the health and care requirements of patients with complex needs. The aim is to provide an individualised, integrated and holistic approach to health care. 

I enrol myself into this training to have a better understanding about MND. I have look after a resident who have MND and I wanted to know how to better manage and give the best patient care. 

Kelly Chubb Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

14 March 2024, 1:49 PM
That is a huge benefit of the MDT; the amount of different skills sets can be...
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Habeeb Alao Post 3 (summarised) in reply to 1

18 March 2024, 9:41 AM
I agree absolutely
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Denise Millhouse Post 4 (summarised) in reply to 1

18 March 2024, 10:57 AM
I think you hit on the right word - holistic.
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