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Vicky Lester Post 1

11 March 2024, 10:44 PM

My Experience

I am very fortunate to work within a multidisciplinary team providing care and support to people with a diagnosis of MND.  In my experience this is very important in providing the person living with MND and their families the ability to optimise their quality of life.  MND is a complex condition and requires the experience and expertise of a wide number of health and social care professionals.  Whilst this can be very supportive it can also be overwhelming and therefore requires co-ordination and communication between the MDT and the person LWMND to ensure that the individual needs of the person are met as the condition changes and progresses.  

An example of this is an individual who is developing swallowing difficulties which is affecting their ability to take adequate nutrition and fluids orally resulting in weight loss.  This requires the effective communication and expertise of the speech and language therapist to assess swallowing, the dietician to assess nutritional requirements, potential discussion of a gastrostomy tube which may also involve the gastroenterologist, the respiratory team to assess for suitability of the procedure and the palliative care team who may have been involved in advanced care planning.  The social situation and environment of the individual may also require assessment with adult social care and the family or carers involved.

Kirstie Allen Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

12 March 2024, 12:08 PM


 Sounds like you are fortunate like me in having a positive MDT...
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Charlotte Smith Post 3 (summarised) in reply to 1

12 March 2024, 5:01 PM
It sounds like as if you have supportive team who help support for MND...
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