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When I was a teacher in the early days of the internet being available for schools we were told to use Yahoo as a search engine. It was seriously poor! All the tales we were hearing about how access to information would be some much easier and how we could create interesting activities for students were disabused as I struggled to find my way through using the recommended strategies - sometimes with scary results and often finding that a URL that existed one day would be gone when I needed to use it for teaching. However, things moved quickly and thanks to Google more productively!
In those days bookmarking on your computer was a big thing. I haven't used bookmarks for years now. Resources such as social bookmarking tools (I use DIIGO and Pearltrees) are more practical as I use many different devices online.
In my bridgemaking over time I have curated collections to support my community (language educators) and here's an example of a set of my recommended online journals for language teachers. It is really important to know how to search well but also helpful if you curate as you go along :)
Teresa, I completely agree with you about the use of social bookmarking tools. I've used DIIGO in the past and have recently started playing around with Toby.
I have never used Listly before however I do like the look of what you posted. I also love that one of the features is that you can post the list to a website, which I would find very useful.
Thanks for sharing,
Yes - social bookmarking is one form of curating. I posted in this forum about some other tools described by Stephanie Slaton at the OpenCon 2018 K-12 Athabasca virtual conference. Check out her curation ideas here
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