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Zoe Underwood Post 1

29 March 2024, 4:19 PM

Reflection on NICE Guidelines

  • How accurately do they reflect your experiences of working in any MDT?#

NICE guidelines do reflect the practice of working in the MDT. We all try to collaborate and if unable to do joint assessments, we do have good communication between all teams. I guess my role would fall into community neurological care teams, as the speech therapist at the MND MDT will refer from this clinic. We are also able to offer a combination of home visits and clinics which is helpful. As many people are involved I think it helps to trigger earlier MDT or review from MND specialist nurse if needed. 

  • How well do you feel they capture the essential functions of a MDT?

    I think they capture the functions of am MDT well, it is great to see dieticians and SLTs involved in the core MDT and is something that could be useful for many long term neuro conditions. They clearly state who should be involved, and what the team should achieve/help with e.g. secretion management, social care needs, cough assessment. They also state who else can be involved if needed.
  • What do you consider are the greatest challenges for the MDT approach when applied to MND?
 I think working with social care and community occupational therapy through social services (away from the core MND MDT) can be challenging at times as they may not have the specialist knowledge on how to help or what adaptations may be needed.
 Additionally I think it can be a challenge working out what the role of the speech therapist/physiotherapist is within the MND team vs what is the role of the community SLT who is locality based. I'm not sure communication to the specific counterpart (SLT for me) is the smoothest.