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My searches have become much more focused lately, although still quite 'awkward'. For example, just today I was looking for a video and an image for 'Stress and Social Media'. I went through a few different websites, trying to include 'creative commons' in my search, or 'open', or 'oer'. I'm having more success at finding (and being aware of) licensing on the media that I use. For example, the image that I ended up using came from 'Pixabay' and I was so excited that I knew what that website was and that the images were open to be used!
I learned a lot more tips from today's post and look forward to improving my searches even further - and ultimately saving time and finding 'better' resources.
Thanks for all the tips!
Really glad the practical things in the course are useful! I love Pixabay and also Unsplash (very high res artistic photos), I saw several other suggestions in posts, I'm going to amalgamate and categorize (curation!) on a Google Doc and share with everyone asap.
It is so much easier with the big wigs e.g., Google and Bing providing filters for open licenses. It's a tad tricky to include this aspect in the search string itself.
I love that Pixabay makes it easy to recompense the artists by purchase of a "coffee". Attribution is grand, but sometimes the pictures are so lovely and perfect for my scenarios, I just have to do a little something extra ~ especially if I mind myself accessing the artist repeatedly.
Glad you found some use from Day 6!
Take care,
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