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Kaye Mosson Post 1

9 April 2024, 3:55 PM


Depending on what I need to communicate, it is mostly face to face interaction with any patient I am involved with.

if I am making appointments or it is just a general review that can be done on the phone, it will be a method of communication that we have previously determined as being the preferred option. This can be telephone, text, email or video call. 

It is generally affective for as long as the person is able to use this method. When things change, ie can no longer text, we agree on a new method which may involve using a device to communicate that either the family/carer can assist or can be used by the person. This is where good communication with SALT or Environmental controls is key to ensure the person always has options. 

Azeezat Shutti-Ojo Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

16 April 2024, 8:42 PM
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