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Jennifer Englund Post 1

7 June 2018, 5:37 PM Edited by the author on 7 June 2018, 6:05 PM

Remix culture

I spent some time exploring the NYPL and the Smarthistory sites.

On the NYPL site, there is a neat photo editing tool of sorts called the Stereograminator. You can use images from Flickr or upload your own. At first I was thinking it would be useful to use in a revisionist history sort of sense, to talk about primary sources photos of those involved in the early days of computing and the internet. After I played around with it for a while, I thought it might be better suited to a topic about remix culture, in the larger context of digital culture. I am in the early stages of preparing for a fall online course about digital citizenship, so I may keep this in the back of my head and see how I might be able to work it in.

Here's what I created with the Stereograminator:

Joanne Kehoe Post 2 in reply to 1

7 June 2018, 9:46 PM

Very cool tool thanks for pointing it out. I am going to try it and agree it would be a great remix activity, really for any course.

I have a colleague who is interested in creating VR out of photos in library archives. One she created using Unity really brought a relatively staid photo of a harbour scene in the late 1800's in Toronto, to life. The experience was completely different for the viewer.