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Anahita Baregheh Post 1

9 June 2018, 2:21 PM


Motor transport travelling bath in the Canadian part of the line, creator: unknown, 1923-1924, CC VT 2.0

Pelee Island wine vat now used as a water reservoir, Pelee Island, Ontario, creator: W.J. Bolton, 1923-1924, CC by 2.0

Innovations vary in nature and degree, nevertheless they need to have an aim and serve a purpose. Modification of a product to use it for what it was not originally intended for is called repositioning and conveys changing the product paradigm. 

Jenni Hayman Post 2 in reply to 1

9 June 2018, 5:58 PM

Great topic, I really like the term repositioning, this happens a lot in innovation.