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That's Kim G!

Kim Gibson Post 1

12 June 2018, 5:09 PM

Let's Moodle Around!

Hi! You may or may not have noticed by now that I consider myself a tech enthusiast. Part of my job at the University of Alberta is assisting faculty, staff, instructors and students in the use of technology for online learning. Our Learning Management System (LMS) of choice is Moodle, which we aptly name eClass.

I've started designing microlearning-style lesson nuggets for Moodle that come with basic information, some application, self-assessment, and resources to create more. If your institution uses Moodle as well, take a look at the lessons on our website. Try out one or two of them. If you don't use Moodle but your LMS of use is similar, copy and paste it into your own document and modify it for your colleagues.

Is it easy to follow? Do the instructions make sense? Are there any parts of the lesson that seem vague or unclear? Are the tasks too complicated? Do you feel more confident is navigating your LMS?

I'm always open to constructive criticism (or compliments)! Feel free to email me at or send me a tweet @kmwardro. 

Irene Stewart and son

IRENE Stewart Post 2 in reply to 1

13 June 2018, 12:45 AM
Thank you for your offer, however, you link does not work for me. Could you check it? Thanks Irene