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Xinli Wang Post 1

12 June 2018, 6:38 PM

Adopt vs Adapt

I'm at the beginning point of incorporating OER into my teaching practice.

My gut feeling tells me I should start by adopting an existing, well-developed, and well-organized OER for my intro-level mathematics. I may begin adapting resources once I try out at least once. Anybody else at the same position with me? Especially if you are also teaching first-year mathematics courses to large groups, do you mind sharing your experience with OER so far? 

Carol White Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

19 June 2018, 7:09 PM
I am with you. I will probably start with Adopting materials and then perhaps...
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Carol White Post 3 (summarised) in reply to 2

19 June 2018, 7:09 PM
Day 10 Post I am most likely to use or Adopt materials. If it is permissible,...
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