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Amanda Johnson Post 1

13 June 2018, 2:06 PM

Day 3 - Entering Educational Opportunity

Enter Educational Opportunity. Hopes of success for both learners and faculty


Exit Educational Opportunity. Proof of success for both learner and faculty

So, as I reflect on how education is evolving, it’s harder to find fault in the processes we have tried along the way. I have become a little oppressed and jaded with technology enhanced education because of the parameters (and problems) that exist in certain institution-provided technology. It often feels like a maze where you are on the right path, and then something happens, and you have to retrace and find another way, or make a decision without seeing the end of the path. And just like a maze, you're "trapped" until you find the end, but you have a deadline (in my case of 14 weeks) to make it through all of those pathways and roadblocks and to safely come out the other side with as many learners as possible alongside you.

My current practice (the one I am HOPING to leave behind) is a mix of e-learning and traditional f2f education. I have been trying to find the balance between these two, but I feel as though the technology problems we experience derail what used to be sound pedagogy.

My new practice, the one I am trying to build and adopt is more of a shift to open practice, open tools, and open learning. My desire for my students and I is to be less tied to our classroom and our class hours (though we do need to maintain  boundaries) and create opportunities for writing that are relevant, meaningful, and demonstrative of true skill levels. As always, learner centered pedagogy is the goal and I believe it will still be about finding balance.  I have already begun to generate some new approaches to old outcomes and content and am eager to start implementing those new pieces.

Irwin Devries Post 2 (summarised) in reply to 1

14 June 2018, 8:23 PM Edited by the author on 14 June 2018, 8:24 PM
Amanda, I love the way you describe your journey towards a more open and...
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