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Alissa Bigelow Post 1

13 June 2018, 5:31 PM

Curation Help??

Coming from an IT background originally, I am very familiar with using multiple ways to narrow down the search process and find what I'm looking for, however sometimes I struggle with being too specific and receiving few or no results! I really did enjoy today's content and really like the bridge metaphor. I will reuse that in the future :)

One thing I would like to learn more about are the various curation tools available and how people are using them. I've tried a couple over the years but could never seem to make sense (haha, get it??!) of how to use them efficiently or to my advantage. Any advice or tips from people about their favourites is greatly appreciated. Thanks for a great module Peggy!

Peggy French Post 2 in reply to 1

15 June 2018, 5:08 PM

Thanks, Alissa! Yes, depending on your background, the 'newness' of the module would vary.

In terms of curation, Padlet is quite common to quickly collate and annotate. is my new fav for my own personal thought-taking when reading online and for the potential to boost collaborative learning in learning environments. I think is still kicking around in terms of bookmarking; it was heavily used in libraryland a while back.

Take care,
