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Julie Massey Post 1

14 June 2018, 12:08 AM

My why....


I think my answer to why is similar to Steve's - why not? Open seems such a natural, no brainer that I can't believe I'm only just really learning about it now! I am definitely going to become a change champion at my school by talking to everyone and anyone that will listen - and as suggested, really spend time with those willing to listen to start. The idea that all the resources are out there to be discovered and will be free for my students, current for me, from varied sources, and (when I get a bit more skilled) adaptable to suit my courses is amazing! I am very excited about talking to colleagues about this. I already have connected with one colleague who first got me started on this journey and have been sharing my progress with her as I've gone along in this course. I look forward to having conversations with others and perhaps hosting workshops at our next learning conference.

This module really got me motivated and excited to start sharing my knowledge!

Thank you!


Ali Versluis Post 2 in reply to 1

14 June 2018, 3:34 AM

Julie, I'm so glad our module excited you. We may be biased here, but both Claire and I think that Open advocacy is the most fun part of our jobs (and not just because it means we get to work together)! It allows you to push yourself, to meet other likeminded folks, and to get out of your comfort zone! 

I like that you mentioned the importance of connecting with others and just starting a conversation. You really never know who will be a potential champion! I like your notion of sharing your progress too -- I think that can be a really powerful motivator, and will allow you to cheer each other on if the going gets tough. We can't wait to see what you get up to!