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Norbert Boruett Post 1

14 June 2018, 10:08 AM

The connecting concepts

The terms:

1.    OER

2.    MOOCS

3.    Distance

4.    Open learning 

5.    E learning

 Are related but separated by time. They had one common mission, to provide education remotely. The teacher didn't have to be there physically. It meant that learning didn't have to take place with four walls. The five terms or concepts are likely to be revealed via citation analysis   the new term that i have learnt today- 

OER- open education resources is gaining a lot of currency with support from multinational companies ie Hewlett Packard, Governments and state and private Universities. Like Ubuntu, love for humanity. People have the philosophy that sharing is caring, so we allow others to use our content and they can reuse, remix, redistribute. MOOCS on the hand is an acronym  that stands for Massive Open Online Courses.

Distance learning has been there for long, and even in Africa we had courses delivered by post inform of paper, i think the London School of Hygiene  runs a Masters Course in Epidemiology, that is quiet expensive but popular in Kenya. I think in the recent past they have it also in Moodle. Unisa runs a number of courses this way too. Though if one looks at the term "Distance" it can apply to even people taking a MOOC or eLearning. Open would imply that the course has no restriction, you can access materials outside your designated learning resources and you can study at your pace. Elearning, the use of electronic devices to access learning management systems, they can be proprietary ie b blackboard or open source ie Moodle. 


Irwin Devries Post 2 in reply to 1

14 June 2018, 8:40 PM Edited by the author on 14 June 2018, 8:50 PM

A very interesting and insightful observation - the time factor needs to be considered in connecting different themes circulating in the open education vocabulary. You make some good distinctions among the themes, not the least of which being that some of them can exist on an axis from open to proprietary. Thanks for the examples of distance and online learning from Kenya and South Africa; there is deep experience of these in Africa.