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Carol White Post 1

19 June 2018, 8:09 PM

My openess

Day 11 Post

From the Open Educators Factory platform I completed self-assessment.  It rated me as a A2-Collaborative designer and B2-Familiar with OER.  IT also said that I was a C1-Traditional Teacher and D1-Traditional Evaluator. 

I agree with the Collaborative designer; I share materials with colleagues at my school and colleagues at Kansas Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (KAMATYC), Kansas Core Outcomes Group (KCOG0, and American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC).   

I feel that I am still new to OER, but this course has helped greatly.

I am definitely a traditional teacher and evaluator.  I am defiantly challenged by open teaching and I am unsure about Open assessment in Mathematics.


  1. This week read the following papers: a. “From Open Educational Resources to Open Educational Practices” by Ulf-Daniel Ehlers and b. “what Open Assessment can mean in practice”.

  2. Next week finish this MOOC.

  3. In the next month, watch the video “Open learning –opportunity or threat?” and play the game “Finding & Using Open Educational Resources.”

  4. In the next year, investigate and perhaps take the “Open Learning Design MOOC” by JISC.