OpenLearn with Linc Cymru is a space to learn and discover.
Here, you can access a variety of free courses, from key skills such as maths and English, to fascinating and useful topics like leadership and management, sustainability, and health and wellbeing. There’s lots on offer!
At Linc, we care about people. Everything we do is guided by our respect for the people we work with, and the customers and communities we work for.
We’ve teamed up with The Open University because we believe in creating the right environment for people to flourish. We’re a socially responsible business focused on a building a prosperous and healthier Wales, and we think OpenLearn is a great tool to help achieve this.
Take a look at the range of courses on offer, then simply sign up to take the course (or courses) of your choice.
We’re open to feedback, so please get in touch if there’s something you are looking for but can’t find or let us know how the learning has benefitted you – we’d love to hear from you!
Free learning resources
Below you will find a selection of free online courses and other learning resources on a range of subjects. You will get the most from OpenLearn if you create an account (this is free). Creating an account will give you full access to a range of features that are not available to guests, such as enrolling on free courses. From your MyOpenLearn profile, you will be able to track your progress and download an activity record.
- Skills
- Business strategy and management
- Healthcare and wellbeing
- Social and community work
- Personal finance / managing money
- Careers and employability
- Sustainability
Mae OpenLearn gyda Linc Cymru yn le i ddysgu a darganfod.
Yma, gallwch gael mynediad at amrywiaeth o gyrsiau rhad ac am ddim, o sgiliau allweddol megis mathemateg a Saesneg, i bynciau diddorol a defnyddiol megis arwain a rheoli, cynaliadwyedd, ac iechyd a llesiant. Mae llawer ar gael!
Yn Linc, mae pobl yn bwysig i ni. Mae popeth a wnawn yn cael ei arwain gan ein parch at y bobl sy'n gweithio gyda ni, a'r cwsmeriaid a chymunedau a wasanaethwn.
Rydym wedi ymuno â'r Brifysgol Agored oherwydd ein bod yn credu mewn creu'r amgylchedd cywir i bobl ffynnu. Rydym yn gwmni sy'n gymdeithasol gyfrifol ac yn canolbwyntio ar adeiladu Cymru lewyrchus ac iachach, a chredwn fod OpenLearn yn offeryn da sy'n cynorthwyo i gyflawni hyn.
Cymerwch olwg ar yr ystod o gyrsiau sydd ar gael, yna cofrestrwch ar y cwrs (neu gyrsiau) o'ch dewis chi.
Rydym yn croesawu adborth, felly cysylltwch os oes rhywbeth nad ydych yn gallu dod o hyd iddo neu rhowch wybod inni sut wnaethoch elwa o'r dysgu - byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych.
Adnoddau dysgu am ddim
Isod fe welwch ddetholiad o gyrsiau ar-lein rhad ac am ddim ac adnoddau dysgu eraill ar ystod o bynciau. Byddwch chi'n cael y gorau o OpenLearn os byddwch chi'n creu cyfrif (mae hwn yn rhad ac am ddim). Bydd creu cyfrif yn rhoi mynediad llawn i chi i ystod o nodweddion nad ydynt ar gael i westeion, megis cofrestru ar gyrsiau am ddim. O'ch proffil MyOpenLearn, byddwch yn gallu olrhain eich cynnydd a lawrlwytho cofnod gweithgaredd.
- Sgiliau
- Strategaeth busnes a rheolaeth
- Gofal iechyd a lles
- Gwaith cymdeithasol a chymunedol
- Cyllid personol / rheoli arian
- Gyrfaoedd a chyflogadwyedd
- Cynaladwyedd
Skills | Sgiliau
Everyday English 1
This free course, Everyday English 1, will develop and improve your essential speaking and listening, reading and writing skills for work, study and everyday life.
Everyday maths 1 (Wales)
This free course will develop and improve your essential maths skills for work, study and everyday life. The course has four sessions, which cover the following topics: numbers, measurement, shapes and space, and handling data. There will be plenty of examples to help you progress, together with opportunities to practise your understanding. A...
Mathemateg bob dydd 1
Bydd y cwrs rhad ac am ddim hwn yn datblygu ac yn gwella eich sgiliau mathemateg hanfodol ar gyfer gwaith, astudio a bywyd bob dydd. Mae gan y cwrs bedair sesiwn, sy'n ymdrin â'r pynciau canlynol: rhifau, mesur, siapiau a gofod, a thrin data. Bydd digonedd o enghreifftiau i’ch helpu i symud ymlaen, ynghyd â chyfleoedd i ymarfer eich dealltwriaeth.
See more / Gweld mwy
Croeso: Beginners' Welsh
This free course, Croeso: Beginners' Welsh, is taken from Croeso, a beginners' language module that concentrates on Welsh as a tool for communication, but it also provides some insights into Welsh societies and cultures through printed and audio materials. It will be of interest to all those who want to improve their language skills in order to ...
Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world
This free course, Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world, will develop your confidence and skills for life online, whether study, work or everyday life. It explores a range of digital skills and practices, including digital identity, digital well-being, staying safe and legal, finding and using information and online tools, and dealing ...
Presenting information
Tables and charts are a great way to present numerical information in a clear and concise form. This free course, Presenting information, explains how to use the Windows calculator to carry out basic operations and calculate percentages. You will then learn how to use charts and tables to represent and interpret information.
Numbers, units and arithmetic
Do fractions and decimals make you apprehensive about maths? Do you lack confidence in dealing with numbers? If so, then this free course, Numbers, units and arithmetic, is for you. The course will explain the basics of working with positive and negative numbers and how to multiply and divide with fractions and decimals.
Diagrams, charts and graphs
Diagrams, charts and graphs are used by all sorts of people to express information in a visual way, whether it's in a report by a colleague or a plan from your interior designer. This free course will teach you how to interpret these tools and how to use them yourself to convey information more effectively.
Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online
This free course, Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online, will help you to understand online security and start to protect your digital life, whether at home or work. You will learn how to recognise the threats that could harm you online and the steps you can take to reduce the chances that they will happen to you.
An introduction to computers and computer systems
This free course, An introduction to computers and computer systems, challenges how we view computers through the examples of processors in kitchen scales and digital cameras, as well as examining the work of art that, at heart, is a computer. You will also explore how computers are connected together to achieve even more than when working alone.
Simple coding
Have you ever wanted to try out simple coding? Want to understand the basics of what it entails? This course introduces you to the skills, concepts and jargon of coding.
Business strategy and management | Strategaeth busnes a rheolaeth
Talk the talk
This free course introduces the mechanics of effective, persuasive oral presentations, by giving you the opportunity to analyse examples and then create your own. Using resources such as TED Talk videos, you will see how experts deliver professional talks and famous speeches, observe what works, and identify how language connects ideas and keeps...
Collective leadership
This free course, Collective leadership, will give you an insight into the importance of how to be a more effective leader, and how to better engage and work with ‘followers’ in an organisational setting.
See more / Gweld mwy
Using data to aid organisational change
This free course explores how to use data to inform a change you would like to make within your business or organisational context. It looks at the type of evidence you can gather to inform your proposed change, and how to evaluate data with a view to using it as part of this transformation. Specifically, you will learn about internal and ...
Business models in strategic management
In this free course, Business models in strategic management, you will be introduced to the theory and practice of business models as they have developed in strategy literature. In particular, you will explore the emergence of the business model idea, types of business models and how business models can be designed.
Decision trees and dealing with uncertainty
This free course introduces basic ideas of probability. It focuses on dealing with uncertainty in a financial context and explores decision trees, a powerful decision-making technique, which can help you to simplify and formulate business decisions. The course also includes videos that introduce the key ideas and guide you through numerous ...
Understanding your customers
This free course, Understanding your customers, is a short introduction to understanding customers. The course underlines the relevance of understanding customers as individuals, members of society and members of organisations. It clarifies some key marketing concepts and terminology and highlights some differences between consumer and ...
Contemporary issues in managing
This free online course, Contemporary issues in managing, introduces three contemporary approaches (managing through organisational culture, managing through internal marketing, and managing through collective leadership). These approaches require you to think critically and challenge ideas and received wisdom.
Effective communication in the workplace
This free course, Effective communication in the workplace, explores the importance of communication as a skill in the workplace. It aims to increase your understanding of communication skills and to help you to consider how your communication could be perceived by others. You'll cover areas such as verbal and non-verbal communication, written ...
Working in diverse teams
This free badged course, Working in diverse teams, will help you consider your experience of working in teams and the different roles you play in them. It will increase your confidence in marketing this key skill to employers as well improve your ability to perform well in teams you are currently part of.
Healthcare and wellbeing | Gofal iechyd a lles
Caring for adults
Caring for adults is an introductory course for anyone in a caring role, either paid or unpaid. It builds on what you already know to give you a better understanding of your role as a carer. It also supports your own well-being by giving you some ideas and information about looking after yourself and dealing with stress.
Gofalu am oedolion
Mae gofalu am oedolion yn gwrs rhagarweiniol i unrhyw un sydd â rôl ofalgar, naill ai'n daladwy neu'n ddi-dāl. Mae'n adeiladu ar yr hyn yr ydych eisoes yn ei wybod i roi gwell dealltwriaeth i chi o'ch rôl fel gofalwr. Mae hefyd yn cefnogi'ch lles eich hun trwy roi syniadau a gwybodaeth i chi am ofalu amdanoch eich hun a delio â straen.
The science of nutrition and healthy eating
This free course, The science of nutrition and healthy eating, looks at the science behind nutrition, covering aspects of biology, chemistry and physics as well as giving some insight into healthier eating. Reading food labels, choosing healthier foods, hydrating appropriately and understanding how we taste food will allow you to be more ...
See more / Gweld mwy
Social care in the community
Social care involves the challenge of supporting people who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to function without assistance or supervision. This free course, Social care in the community, focuses on one important area of social care, home care for older people.
Wellbeing and mental health collection
The mental health and wellbeing collection (Wales) provides a hub of free, bilingual resources that aim to promote positive wellbeing and support good mental health.
Casgliad llesiant a iechyd meddwl
Yn y casgliad Iechyd Meddwl a Lles (Cymru), mae hwb o adnoddau dwyieithog, rhad ac am ddim, sydd yn ceisio hybu lles cadarnhaol a chefnogi iechyd meddwl da.
Understanding depression and anxiety
This free course, Understanding depression and anxiety, explores the causes of these mental health issues, with a particular focus on stress. You will consider some risk and causal factors for some depression and anxiety disorders, and learn about the biology and psychology behind them.
Making sense of mental health problems
Over the past century there has been a radical shift in responses to people who experience mental health problems. In this free course, Making sense of mental health problems, you will learn about how key perspectives in the field have made sense of mental health problems. By directly relating key perspectives to a case study, you will reflect ...
Supporting children's mental health and wellbeing
Do you have a professional or personal interest in the mental health issues affecting young children? Are you working with children or are you a parent or carer? This free course, Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing, is designed to give insight into the factors that are contributing to our youngest citizens’ poor mental health; ...
Work and mental health
Although being at work during periods of mental illness can be difficult for those with mental health problems, most people with these difficulties could take paid employment if it were not for numerous barriers in the workplace and the wider community (Centre for Mental Health, 2013). In this free course, Work and mental health, you will look ...
Exercise and mental health
Each year thousands of pounds are spent on medications to treat conditions such as anxiety and depression. These medications often have negative side effects. Exercise is an alternative treatment that is low cost and has few side effects. In this free course, Exercise and mental health, we will look at the links between exercise and improved ...
Ymarfer corff ac iechyd meddwl
Yn flynyddol caiff miloedd o bunnoedd eu gwario ar feddyginiaethau i drin cyflyrau megis gorbryder ac iselder. Mae gan y meddyginiaethau hyn sgil effeithiau negyddol yn aml. Mae ymarfer corff yn driniaeth amgen sy'n isel ei chost ac yn isel o ran niferoedd o sgil effeithiau. Fel rhan o'r cwrs rhad ac am ddim hwn, Ymarfer Corff ac Iechyd Meddwl, ...
Social and community work | Gwaith cymdeithasol a chymunedol
Working in the voluntary sector
This free online course, Working in the voluntary sector, will introduce you to some of the main activities carried out by volunteers and staff, will give you some background on how different organisations work and will provide you with knowledge and skills you can apply to your own work or volunteering, as well as to your every day life.
See more / Gweld mwy
Working with diversity in services for children and young people
This free course, Working with diversity in services for children and young people, will provide you with an understanding of the ways in which diverse and intersecting social identities structure the lives and experiences of children and young people, and the implications of those identities for professional practice. Although designed ...
Working with young people: roles and responsibilities
In this free course, Working with young people: roles and responsibilities, we look at the roles that are taken when working with young people. We focus on what those working with young people actually do, starting with some analysis of roles. We show that, in the context of work with young people, the term is more than simply a statement about ...
Introducing the voluntary sector
This free course, Introducing the voluntary sector, will guide you through some of the distinctive features and values of the voluntary sector, how organisations are funded and involve volunteers and other ‘stakeholders’ in their work. It will also provide you with knowledge and skills you can apply to your own work or volunteering as well as ...
Empowering communities
This free course, Empowering communities, discusses the most common forms of community empowerment, and explores the barriers to community empowerment and ways that these can be overcome. It will conclude by looking at crime and criminality: a particular challenge that can arise if communities are not sufficiently empowered and supported.
Race and Youth Policy: working with young people
How should we, as a society, best respond to and prevent gang and knife crime and violent extremism?
What is the national learning hub for volunteers?
The national learning hub for volunteers takes you on a journey with tools, resources and courses, to help you gain the confidence and recognition you deserve as a volunteer or someone working with volunteers.
Using voluntary work to get ahead in the job market
This free course, Using voluntary work to get ahead in the job market, explores how engaging in voluntary work can enhance your employment opportunities
Defnyddio gwaith gwirfoddol i gamu ymlaen yn y farchnad swyddi
Mae'r cwrs hon yn ystyried i sut y gall ymgymryd â gwaith gwirfoddol wella eich cyfleoedd cyflogaeth.
Collaborative leadership in voluntary organisations
This free course, Collaborative leadership in voluntary organisations, will help you to reflect on and develop collaborative leadership practices that will make a difference. The course is aimed at people who work within voluntary organisations as paid staff or as volunteers or for people who work regularly with voluntary organisations, such as ...
Personal finance / managing money | Cyllid personol / rheoli arian
MSE’s Academy of Money
The Open University has joined forces with MoneySavingExpert (MSE) to produce this new free course to give you the skills and knowledge to master your finances. Packed with videos, audios, quizzes and activities the course covers all the key aspects of personal finance in six sessions of study that each take around two hours to complete.
Academi Arian MSE
Mae'r Brifysgol Agored wedi ymuno â MoneySavingExpert (MSE) i gynhyrchu'r cwrs rhad ac am ddim newydd hwn i roi'r sgiliau a'r wybodaeth i chi feistroli eich arian. Ysgrifennwyd y cwrs gan y Brifysgol Agored, gyda chyngor ac arweiniad MSE.
Introduction to bookkeeping and accounting
Learn about the essential numerical skills required for accounting and bookkeeping. This free course, Introduction to bookkeeping and accounting, explains the fundamental rules of double-entry bookkeeping and how they are used to produce the balance sheet and the profit and loss account.
See more / Gweld mwy
Fundamentals of accounting
Learn about the essential numerical and double-entry skills required for accounting. This free course, Fundamentals of accounting, will explain the fundamental purpose and role of accounting as well as the double-entry rules that are the foundation of all financial records and reports in any modern business.
You and your money
An important aspect of personal finance is the way in which individuals and households manage their debt, how much it costs and the different types of credit they can or cannot access. This free course, You and your money, explores these issues, with respect to the wider, changing, social and economic context.
Retirement planning made easy
This free course on money and retirement planning has been produced by The Open University in collaboration with Legal & General.
Managing my money for young adults
This free course, Managing my money for young adults, will help you start to think about managing your finances. You will learn how to budget effectively, and will be encouraged to start thinking about your financial future.
Managing my investments
Gain the skills to manage your investments: analyse portfolio risk and plan your pension, with this free online course.
Understanding mortgages
Understanding mortgages is a free, short course produced in collaboration with
Careers and employability | Gyrfaoedd a chyflogadwyedd
Conversations and interviews
This free course, Conversations and interviews, explores how to ask and answer questions in interviews and conversations.
Internships and other work experiences
In this free course, Internships and other work experiences, you’ll begin by learning more about what an internship is and how it might differ from other forms of work experience. You’ll find out what you can gain personally and professionally, and consider the practicalities of obtaining work experience, from how to choose what’s right for you,...
Succeed in the workplace
Do you want to change jobs, are you just starting in the job market or may be returning after a break? If so, then this free course, Succeed in the workplace, is for you. It will help you explore career opportunities. You will also gain the skills to write strong CVs and application forms, and to handle different types of interviews. By the end ...
See more / Gweld mwy
Personal branding for career success
This free course, Personal branding for career success, considers what a personal brand is and whether you currently have one. You’ll look in detail at theories and examples of personal branding, and relevant marketing processes and practices. You’ll identify the values, skills, knowledge and expertise that you want to promote to employers, and ...
The importance of interpersonal skills
To succeed in management you need good interpersonal skills, you need to understand how to deal with other people. This free course, The importance of interpersonal skills, will help you gain an awareness of your own skills and understand that an awareness of the interpersonal skills of others can help us enormously in dealing with the work ...
Pwysigrwydd sgiliau rhyngbersonol
Er mwyn llwyddo fel rheolwr, mae angen sgiliau rhyngbersonol da arnoch, mae angen i chi ddeall sut i ymdrin â phobl eraill. Bydd yr uned hon yn eich helpu i feithrin ymwybyddiaeth o'ch sgiliau ac i ddeall y gall ymwybyddiaeth o sgiliau rhyngbersonol pobl eraill fod o gymorth mawr i ni wrth ymdrin â'r tasgau gwaith rydym yn gyfrifol ...
Planning a better future
Planning a better future is an introductory course for anyone considering changing jobs, wondering how to move up the ladder or return to work after a break, and those who might be looking to aspire to better things.
Cynllunio dyfodol gwell
Mae Cynllunio dyfodol gwell yn gwrs rhagarweiniol ar gyfer unrhyw un sy'n ystyried newid swydd, sydd eisiau gwybod sut i symud i fyny'r ysgol neu ddychwelyd i'r gwaith ar ôl seibiant, a rhai sy’n awyddus i anelu at bethau gwell.
Understanding your sector
This free course, Understanding your sector, will help you to understand the difference between sectors, industries and professions. It will also help you to gain the inside knowledge to impress in applications and at interviews and to put together an action plan that is tailored to you.
Employability Hub
Welcome, in this hub you’ll find a range of FREE resources that may help you develop your employability. It is searchable by the ten components of the OU’s Employability Framework.
Open door to success
The Department for Work & Pensions has partnered with The Open University to offer free training tools designed to help people find a job, advance their career or grow their business.
How to write a CV
A CV (curriculum vitae) is a brief account of your education, qualifications, skills and work-based experience, used mainly when applying for a job. Your CV is your first opportunity to tell an employer what you can do. A well written CV can make the difference between getting an interview and not being considered for the role.
Sustainability | Cynaladwyedd
Eating for the environment
This free course, Eating for the environment, will explore the links between food, nutrition and environmental sustainability.
More about Linc Cymru | Mwy am Linc Cymru
Linc Cymru is a Housing Association and Care provider. But that’s only the beginning of our story.
At Linc, we believe in creating the right environment for people to flourish. This purpose guides every decision we make as an organisation.
The homes we build and the natural environments that support them are designed to improve people’s quality of life. As a care provider we work with Local Authorities and the NHS to address the needs of our ageing population and we treat people as individuals at every part of their journey with us. We’re a socially responsible business focused on building a prosperous and healthier Wales, a great place to live and work, now and in the future.
Our values are who we are, and we live and breathe them with everything we do:
We are passionate. We take pride in everything we do, and we’re driven by a positive, infectious attitude. We work alongside our customers and partners to create environments where people can flourish. Together we’ll create a happier, healthier Wales.
Our passion makes us ambitious. We embrace new ideas, research and technology that will provide great experiences for our customers and colleagues. We are trailblazing, always looking for ways to challenge ‘the norm’ and drive care and housing forward.
Our ambition is based on listening and being respectful. We value our customers and staff, so we always listen to and learn from them. We never create change for the sake of it but use insight to help us respond to the needs of the people and communities we serve.
Mae Linc Cymru yn Gymdeithas Dai a darparwr Gofal. Ond dechrau ein hanes yn unig yw hynny.
Yn Linc, rydym yn credu mewn creu yr amgylchedd cywir i bobl ffynnu. Mae'r pwrpas hwn yn arwain bob penderfyniad a wnawn fel sefydliad.
Mae'r cartrefi a adeiladwn a'r amgylchedd naturiol sy'n eu cefnogi wedi eu dylunio i wella ansawdd bywyd pobl. Fel darparwr gofal rydym yn gweithio gydag Awdurdodau Lleol a'r GIG i fynd i'r afael ag anghenion ein poblogaeth sy'n heneiddio ac rydym yn trin pobl fel unigolion ar bob rhan o'u taith gyda ni. Rydym yn gwmni sy'n gymdeithasol gyfrifol ac yn canolbwyntio ar adeiladu Cymru lewyrchus ac iachach, sy'n le da i fyw a gweithio, heddiw ac i'r dyfodol.
Ein gwerthoedd yw'r hyn ydym, ac rydym yn eu byw a'u hanadlu ym mhopeth a wnawn:
Rydym yn angerddol. Rydym yn parchu'r hyn a wnawn, ac rydym yn cael ein hysgogi gan agwedd gadarnhaol, heintus. Rydym yn cydweithio â'n cwsmeriaid a'n partneriaid i greu amgylcheddau ble gall pobl ffynnu. Gyda'n gilydd byddwn yn creu Cymru hapusach ac iachach.
Mae ein hangerdd yn ein gwneud yn uchelgeisiol. Rydym yn croesawu syniadau newydd, ymchwil a thechnoleg fydd yn darparu profiadau gwych i'n cwsmeriaid a'n cyd-weithwyr. Rydym yn arloesi, bob amser yn chwilio am ffordd i herio'r 'arferol' gan roi hwb i ofal a thai.
Mae ein huchelgais wedi ei seilio ar wrando a bod yn barchus. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi ein cwsmeriaid a'n staff, felly rydym bob amser yn gwrando arnynt ac yn dysgu ganddynt. Nid ydym yn creu newid er mwyn creu newid ond yn hytrach yn defnyddio mewnwelediad i'n cynorthwyo i ymateb i anghenion y bobl a'r gymdeithas a wasanaethwn.
The Open University in Wales | Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru
As Wales’ largest provider of part-time undergraduate university study, The Open University in Wales offers a wide choice of qualifications in a broad range of subject areas. As part of the biggest university in the UK, we can provide a world-class education,
helping you to meet your professional and personal goals.
With tuition fee loans, financial support, and pay as you go options available, studying with The Open University is a lot more affordable than you might think.
Fel darparydd mwyaf astudiaeth ran amser prifysgol yng Nghymru, mae’r Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru yn cynnig dewis eang o gymwysterau mewn ystod eang o bynciau. Fel rhan o’r brifysgol fwyaf yn y DU, gallwn ddarparu addysg o safon byd-eang, gan eich cynorthwyo i gwrdd a’ch amcanion proffesiynol a phersonol.
Gyda benthyciadau ffioedd dysgu, cymorth ariannol, ac opsiynau talu wrth fynd ar gael, mae astudio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored yn llawer mwy fforddiadwy na’r disgwyl.
Success is affordable
Live in Wales? Get up to £4,500* maintenance funding on our paid courses.
Mae llwyddiant yn fforddiadwy
Ydych chi'n byw yng Nghymru? Sicrhewch hyd at £4,500* o gyllid cynnal a chadw ar ein cyrsiau taledig.
Access courses
The OU offers innovative and unique ways for people to return to formal education and work towards gaining a diploma or degree. Join the thousands of people who have studied with us.
OpenLearn Champions | Hyrwyddwyr OpenLearn
Our OpenLearn Champions help to inspire a love of learning and support adults across Wales to develop skills, raise their confidence and explore what OpenLearn has to offer...over 1,000 free courses!
Mae ein Hyrwyddwyr OpenLearn yn helpu i ysbrydoli cariad at ddysgu, ac yn cefnogi oedolion ledled Cymru i ddatblygu sgiliau, magu hyder ac archwilio beth sydd gan OpenLearn i'w gynnig...dros 1,000 o gyrsiau am ddim!
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