Stage 6: Feedback and follow up
At the end of the workshop, provide an opportunity for participants to share their experience of doing the workshop and how they now feel about futures planning.
Questions that may be useful to consider:
- How do participants feel?
- What has been the impact on them?
- What else do they want to know?
- What else do they want to share?
- Is this what they expected?
- What would they change?
It is then important to follow up with participants to seek any clarification from their input into the workshop. Having had time to reflect, is there anything else they wish to contribute towards a summary of the outcomes?
Futures planning should be an ongoing process within organisations, so consider your approach to planning cycles.
Activity 18 Plan an Islands in the Sky session
Create a short plan of how you could run an Islands in the Sky session. What do you want to focus on and what approaches might you take?
- Remote or face-to-face workshops?
- Who could you invite to the workshop?
- What questions will you want to ask?
- How will you review the workshop and outcomes?
You may wish to make notes in the box below, and download the Islands in the Sky toolkit PowerPoint for use in the future should you wish to run your own workshop.
Download the toolkit [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
Islands in the Sky can be an effective approach to help you think about future scenarios and quickly explore problems. It has been designed to focus on understanding your environment and the value you can generate within your transactional relationships in order to gain a fresh perspective.
In the video Dr Matt Finch shares tips for effective use of the Islands in the Sky approach.
Transcript: Video 17 Tips for using Islands in the Sky
In the next section you have the opportunity to explore a case study on the use of Islands in the Sky within The Open University.