7.3 What do you need to progress the plan?
Once there is executive approval to progress with the programme of change, following the formal governance often associated with strategic programmes of this nature, the initiative can begin to be implemented.
If approved what happens next? This takes us back to stage five of Sola and Couturier’s strategy development process, Managing Execution, which involves the delivery of:
- a.Preconditions that prepare the ground for change (a shared understanding of the need for change, a vivid picture of where the organisation can be as a result of the change, and a clear communication of the strategic initiatives associated with the change programme);
- b.Triggers that make the change happen (that launch and spread the change, including a compelling story); and
- c.Boosters that accelerate the rate of change (through the identification and engagement of enablers, the instigation of changes in the environment, the development of capability through training, and reinforcing mechanisms).
(Sola and Couturier, 2014)
These, and more, are outlined in the Hybrid working: change management - OpenLearn - Open University [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
Activity 25 Progress your plan
Reflect on the problems you have explored throughout this course, and how you might take them forward.
Earlier in the course you heard from contributors sharing their experiences of planning for immediate and long-term changes. As you plan for the future, draw on your own experiences to help you consider the world from different perspectives.
Once an option(s) is approved, in order to start a change programme, the next step is to understand who and what will be required to in order for the option to be developed further. Spend some time capturing your ideas about this.
You may also wish to make some notes in the box below on tools and learnings from the course so you can integrate them into your work, or explore them in more detail later.