
In-the-Picture has been used by a range of practitioners in the early years sector in many different environments and settings. Portage Home Visitors have used the approach both in their regular sessions in family homes and in the groups that they run which parents and children attend. They have reported using In-the-Picture in a range of ways, from informing the discussion of learning goals with families to building early relationships with a child that they are working with. Practitioners based in a range of nurseries and playgroups have also used the approach primarily to support the inclusion of a child with learning difficulties within their setting. Developing an understanding of children’s play preferences and early friendships have been focal points for using the approach. The common motivation for using In-the-Picture amongst practitioners is to develop their understanding of children’s play, preferences and experiences. Frequently this involves a recognition that assumptions made about a child should be questioned and explored.

Now that you have worked your way through Section 6 you should review your learning by completing Quiz 6. After finishing the quiz and checking your answers you will be ready  to move onto Section 7 'The Flexible Approach'.

Last modified: Monday, 23 September 2019, 4:38 PM