Workshop activity 8: Show and tell


Your ultimate goal is to convince the company to adopt your idea. The communication of your solution plays an important role in how the problem owner judges your solution. You want to aim at creating a compelling visually enhanced story of how the solutions solves the problem, what advantage your solution brings and even how it could be produced or implemented. You need to start with presenting how you understood the problem and then you can tell the story of how the problem can be solved.

What you need


  • Presentation Slide with Communication options (6-frame Storyboard, LEGO objects or LEGO service/system)
  • Large pieces of paper
  • Play Dough
  • LEGO
  • Pens, Pencils


  • Representation of solution 30 min
  • Communication of solutions 30 min (3 min presentation 2 min discussion)


  1. Instruct teams to discuss how they could best communicate their solution. Multiple approaches to telling the same story might be useful (e.g. combining storyboard with a LEGO or Play Dough model)

  2. Each member of the team to complete a piece of the story.

  3. Each team to communicate your problem statement as well as your solution.

  4. Each team has 2 minutes to present their story to everyone in the room

  5. Encourage teams to establish eye contact with the problem owner

  6. After the presentation, the problem owner gives the team feedback on the idea for 1 min.


A three frame cartoon showing a person going into a phone shop; that person confused at the signs in the phone shop, and the person leaving feeling sad.

3-frame storyboard

Service idea communicated with a diagram and LEGO

Associated teacher activity:

Visualise your selected idea from On the Day 8, using as many different resources available to you. Try to make use of all types of communication to gain some experience of what each is like to try for the first time. 

Communicate your solution to the trainers. Discuss how your choice of materials influenced how you communicated your solution. Discuss what makes a good story.

Advanced training

To take communication to the next level, think about blending digital methods with the physical material already used.

For example, design a communication activity that ends in a 2 minute video to be shared with the workshop.

Last modified: Wednesday, 26 February 2020, 4:08 PM