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Business communication: writing a SWOT analysis
Business communication: writing a SWOT analysis

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8.2 How to structure a paragraph

You’ll now listen to an explanation of the key factors that make the paragraph just examined so well structured.

Activity 13

Watch the following video, and note down any points which you find particularly useful. Listen more than once if necessary.

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Your notes will depend on which information you found useful, but they may contain the following information.

There are a few general rules about what makes a well-structured paragraph. Usually a paragraph in a piece of formal writing:

  1. is linked to the previous paragraph through signposting and/or explanation
  2. makes the main point (often called a high-level generalisation) in the first sentence or the first couple of sentences
  3. develops the main point through giving examples or further details (often called low-level generalisations)
  4. uses signposting to guide the reader
  5. uses pronouns to refer back to information already given, e.g. ‘this’, ‘it’ or ‘they’.