8.3 From source to notes to paragraph
This activity will demonstrate how source material can be reduced into notes summarising the key points, and then used to illustrate points in a final SWOT text.
Activity 14
Click on the arrow below to see how the snippets from the original newspaper text, on the left, transferred into bullet points for the Weaknesses section of the SWOT table.
Now click on the arrow below to see how the bullet points from the SWOT table were developed into the final paragraph. The numbers in brackets show which point ended up where in the paragraph.
What you might have noticed here is that the student did not just transfer the list of points from the SWOT table into his analysis. He carefully considered the points to see how best to organise them. This consideration led to a choice of what would be his main point, based on which was the most significant weakness for the business. This led on very logically to the other contributing points.