Welcome Back!
Welcome to the second in the series of online learning modules relating to the effective implementation of the diagnostic assessments.
This online learning module is currently being piloted by a series of schools and individuals who have expressed interest.
If you are on the pilot for this course, ensure you have already completed:
- The pre-training questionnaire before starting Part 1.
- The post-training questionnaire at the end of Part 1. This includes your results and analysis from the moderation activity. Details of how to send a copy of your assessment recording sheet anonymously are provided in the post-training questionnaire.
At the end of Part 2 please ensure you complete:
- The post-training questionnaire at the end of Part 2. This includes your results and analysis from the moderation activity. Details of how to send a copy of your assessment recording sheet anonymously are provided in the post-training questionnaire.
We hope you enjoy the course and find it useful.