2.4 Response and level guidance: Addition and Subtraction Assessment

The document below is specific to the addition and subtraction assessment and provides: 

  • The answers to the questions in the addition and subtraction assessment.
  • Examples of the most common strategies pupils are likely to use and the names of these strategies.  This is to help those delivering the assessment make sense of strategies that they may not be familiar with. 
    It is also useful from a professional development point of view to explore the strategies described to develop a greater awareness of the types of strategies that individuals might use and also reflect on their effectiveness and efficiency.
    Be aware that some pupils may use strategies not listed or use a combination of one or more strategy.
  • Guidance as to the approximate level that a strategy is at.
    It is not easy to say that a pupil is at e.g. First *** or Second * as a result of one question or one strategy.  The stage is decided upon based on more of an overview of the combination of strategies, the efficiency and the number range they are working within.

Use the guidance particularly if you are unsure what level to place a pupil at or if you are unfamiliar with the range of addition and subtraction strategies.


Before you look at the document, have a go at the assessment questions yourself thinking about how you would solve the problems mentally.  You may wish to do this as a group (comparing strategies) or individually.

Read the guidance document and see which strategy you used and consider what the advantages/disadvantages are of your strategy compared to the other strategies.

For ease of access the questions for the addition and subtraction assessment have been provided below:

Task 1: Count 8 objects

Task 2: 4 + 3 (4 counters in one hand, 3 counters in another)

Task 3: 8 + 5 (8 counters under one card, 5 counters under another)

Task 4: 9 + 8 (9 counters under one card, 8 counters under another)

Task 5: You have 37 sweeties and you eat 9 of them.  How many sweeties do you have left?

Task 5b: There were 14 birds sitting on a fence.  5 birds flew away.  How many birds are left?

Task 6: There are 53 people on the bus.  26 people get off.  How many people are left on the bus?

Task 6b: Maria has £67.  She spent £24 on a new game she wanted.  How much money does she have left?

Task 7: Sandra has 394 stamps.  Her brother gives her another 79 stamps.  How many does she have then?

Task 7b: 493 pupils were sitting in the hall for assembly.  87 pupils from nursery came to join them.  How many pupils are there now?

Task 7c: 5003 - 4998

Task 7d: 880 + ? = 921

Task 7e: 2058 - 998

Task 7f: 226 + 325

Task 8: Maria has a 5.3 metre length of fabric.  She uses 2.89 metres of fabric to make a tracksuit.  How much fabric does she have left?

Task 9: Harry and Sally buy two pizzas.  Harry eats 3/4 of a pizza, while Sally eats 7/8 of a pizza.  How much pizza is left over?

Click on the link below to download the document.

Response and Level Guidance: Addition and Subtraction

Last modified: Friday, 16 August 2019, 11:09 AM