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OpenLearn with your Union hub

Updated Tuesday, 28 July 2020
OpenLearn with your Union - Free learning, tools, tips and links for all. Share with your Union Learning Reps, colleagues, friends, and family. OpenLearn Gyda'ch Undeb - Dysgu, adnoddau, awgrymiadau a dolenni am ddim i bawb. Rhannwch gyda'ch Cynrychiolwyr Dysgu Undeb, cydweithwyr, ffrindiau, a theulu.

Welcome to the Wales TUC OpenLearn with your Union hub.

The hub has been designed to help you navigate the Open University’s OpenLearn website and library of free courses. Learning online with OpenLearn allows you to learn at your own pace, track your progress, earn badges and save statements of participation.

OU’s flexible free courses cover a huge range of topics, we’ve picked some that might help you upskill, gain a love for learning, and offer pathways to further learning. You can build up credits and achieve a qualification with the Open University.

Links include advice around funding, learning with the Open University and useful everyday skills.

Find out more

The Wales TUC is excited to work in partnership with the Open University. This hub will help Union Learning Reps, members and learners’ access free courses to gain skills needed to compete for the jobs of the future. Many of our future economic and environmental challenges, such as digitalisation, automation, and decarbonisation can be addressed through learning and skills. 

Find out more about OpenLearn and the Open University

Croeso i OpenLearn TUC Cymru gyda hwb eich Undeb.

Dyluniwyd yr hwb i'ch helpu chi ddeall gwefan OpenLearn y Brifysgol Agored, a llyfrgell o gyrsiau am ddim. Mae dysgu ar-lein gydag OpenLearn yn eich caniatáu chi i ddysgu wrth eich pwysau eich hun, cofnodi eich cynnydd, ennill bathodynnau ac arbed datganiadau cyfranogiad.

Mae cyrsiau hyblyg y Brifysgol Agored yn ymdrin ag ystod eang o bynciau, ac rydym wedi pigo rhai fydd yn eich helpu chi i uwchsgilio, magu diddordeb mewn dysgu, a chynnig llwybrau at ddysgu pellach. Gallwch ennill credydau a chyflawni cymhwyster gyda'r Brifysgol Agored.

Mae dolenni'n cynnwys cyngor ynghylch ariannu, dysgu gyda'r Brifysgol Agored a sgiliau dydd i ddydd defnyddiol.

Darganfyddwch fwy

Mae TUC Cymru yn edrych ymlaen at weithio mewn partneriaeth gyda'r Brifysgol Agored. Bydd yr hwb hwn yn helpu Cynrychiolwyr Dysgu'r Undeb, aelodau a dysgwyr i gael mynediad at gyrsiau am ddim ac ennill y sgiliau sydd eu hangen i gystadlu am swyddi yn y dyfodol. Gellir ymdrin â nifer o'n heriau economaidd ac amgylcheddol yn y dyfodol, megis digidoleiddio, awtomatiaeth a datgarboneiddio drwy ddysgu a sgiliau. 

Dysgwch fwy am OpenLearn a'r Brifysgol Agored

A little about us ǀ ​Amdanom ni

The Wales TUC is the voice of Wales at work.

With 48 member unions, the Wales TUC represents around 400,000 workers in Wales. We campaign for a fair deal at work and for social justice at home and abroad.

Unions help people find learning opportunities and gain skills.

Union learning has an impact on everything that unions stand for. It can help improve Heath and Safety, equality of opportunity, the environment, job security and pay.

Union Learning Reps (ULRs)

Union Learning Reps (ULRs) help unions to support workers to become lifelong learners.

Together with OpenLearn, ULRs can support individuals to try a range of free online learning opportunities such as digital literacy, employability skills, Welsh culture and help during career or organisational change.

Try a course now! Simply sign up by clicking the create an account link (link to our personalised link), choose a course and enjoy!

Read more about what ULRs do

Mae TUC Cymru yn llais i Gymru wrth ei gwaith.

Gyda 48 undeb sy'n aelodau, mae TUC Cymru yn cynrychioli oddeutu 400,000 o weithwyr yng Nghymru. Rydym yn ymgyrchu ar gyfer cytundeb deg yn y gwaith a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol adref a thramor.

Mae undebau yn helpu pobl i ddod o hyd i gyfleoedd dysgu ac ennill sgiliau.

Mae dysgu undeb wedi cael effaith ar bopeth mae undeb yn ei gynrychioli. Gall helpu i wella Iechyd a Diogelwch, cydraddoldeb mewn cyfleoedd, yr amgylchedd, diogelwch swyddi a thâl.

Cynrychiolwyr Dysgu Undeb (ULRs)

Mae Cynrychiolwyr Dysgu Undeb (ULRs) yn helpu undebau i gefnogi gweithwyr i ddod yn ddysgwyr gydol oes.

Cyfochr ag OpenLearn, gall URLs gefnogi unigolion i roi cynnig ar ystod o gyfleoedd dysgu am ddim ar-lein, megis llythrennedd digidol, sgiliau cyflogadwyedd, diwylliant Cymreig a chynnig help yn ystod newid gyrfaol neu sefydliadol.

Rhowch gynnig ar gwrs nawr! Cofrestrwch drwy glicio ar y ddolen i greu cyfrif (link to our personalised link), dewiswch gwrs a mwynhewch!

Darllenwch fwy am waith ULRs

Next Steps ǀ Camau Nesaf

If you enjoyed learning online, found the OpenLearn courses useful and would like to take the next step, why not try out a more advanced course. You can check out the FutureLearn website or the Open University’s prospectus.

If you need help with funding courses, the Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) might be able to help and offer support. 

Read more about the Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF)

Find out more about OU in Wales’ Funding

Can I do it?

Get started with an Access module

Os ydych yn mwynhau dysgu ar-lein, yn meddwl bod cyrsiau OpenLearn yn ddefnyddiol ac eisiau cymryd y cam nesaf, beth am roi cynnig ar gyrsiau uwch. Gallwch weld gwefan FutureLearn neu prosbectws y Brifysgol Agored.

Os ydych angen cymorth gydag ariannu cyrsiau, efallai bydd Cronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF) yn gallu eich helpu a chynnig cymorth.

Darllenwch fwy am Gronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF)

Dysgwch fwy am Gyllid y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru

Fedra'i wneud e?

Cychwyn gyda modiwl Mynediad

The Open University in Wales | Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru

As Wales’ largest provider of part-time undergraduate university study, The Open University in Wales offers a wide choice of qualifications in a broad range of subject areas. As part of the biggest university in the UK, we can provide a world-class education, helping you to meet your professional and personal goals.

With tuition fee loans, financial support, and pay as you go options available, studying with The Open University is a lot more affordable than you might think.

Find out more

Fel darparydd mwyaf astudiaeth ran amser prifysgol yng Nghymru, mae’r Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru yn cynnig dewis eang o gymwysterau mewn ystod eang o bynciau. Fel rhan o’r brifysgol fwyaf yn y DU, gallwn ddarparu addysg o safon byd-eang, gan eich cynorthwyo i gwrdd a’ch amcanion proffesiynol a phersonol.

Gyda benthyciadau ffioedd dysgu, cymorth ariannol, ac opsiynau talu wrth fynd ar gael, mae astudio gyda’r Brifysgol Agored yn llawer mwy fforddiadwy na’r disgwyl.

Dysgwch ragor

* Eligibility rules apply for financial support. / Mae rheolau cymhwysedd yn berthnasol ar gyfer cymorth ariannol.

Office stationery on a white desk Click on the banner above to find out what Careers and Employability Services can do to help you. Cliciwch ar y faner uchod i weld sut gall ein Gwasanaethau Gyrfaoedd a Chyflogadwyedd eich helpu chi.

Become a teacher - kid at blackboard Click on the banner above to find out more about our flexible Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). Cliciwch ar y faner uchod i ddysgu mwy am ein Tystysgrif Addysg i Raddedigion (TAR).

Additional resources ǀ ​Adnoddau ychwanegol

  1. Leadership and management
  2. Volunteering free courses
  3. OpenLearn Cymru
  4. Nature and environment
  5. Money and business
  6. Health and wellbeing
  7. Access courses

Stay in touch ǀ Aros mewn cysylltiad

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Arhoswch mewn cysylltiad a thanysgrifiwch i newyddion TUC Cymru.

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Dilynwch ni ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol:

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Join a Union ǀ Ymunwch ag undeb  


Ambassadors - A Guide for Learners | Llysgenhadon - Canllaw i Ddysgwyr

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