1.2 Introductory expressions
You probably found it quite easy to work out who was who from listening to the short introductory sentences during the previous activity. Audio clips like these are a good way to learn several different ways of communicating a piece of information. This can help you to extend your range of language so you can vary your sentence structures.
Activity 2
You will now listen to the audio again. Note down the various expressions these people used to say who they are. This will help you to build up your own bank of phrases.
Mein Name ist Henning Haarhaus.
Ich heiβe Wolf Schmidt.
Ich bin Stefanie Korte.
Ja, wir sind die Familie von der Osten mit unseren drei Kindern.
Mein Name ist Yvonne Zehner.
Mein Name ist Antje Schollweck.
Mein Name ist... was used three times.
The verb sein was used twice: ich bin and wir sind.
The verb heiβen was used once: ich heiβe.