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Intermediate German: Understanding spoken German
Intermediate German: Understanding spoken German

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6.1 An introduction

Before learning how transcripts can be helpful in improving your understanding video material, you will be introduced to Antje Schollweck.

Activity 24

Watch the video of Antje Schollweck and then write one sentence describing her.

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Compare your answer with these suggestions.

Antje Schollweck ist ein sehr dynamischer Mensch.

Antje Schollweck macht den Eindruck, ein sehr freundlicher und weltoffener Mensch zu sein.

Ich kenne sie natürlich nicht, aber Antje Schollweck wirkt, lustig und lebendig zu sein.

Activity 25

In which order does she mention the following places?

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. die Lausitz

  2. Brandenburg

  3. Ostdeutschland

  4. Bayern

  • a.2

  • b.4

  • c.3

  • d.1

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = d
  • 2 = a
  • 3 = c
  • 4 = b


Described image
Figure 19 This is a map of Germany with the relevant locations from this activity marked on it. Bayern (Bavaria) is coloured in blue, with Passau marked within this region with a black dot. Ostdeutschland is marked in green and would have included the area of Brandenburg, shown here in yellow. The smaller green section with Brandenburg is Berlin, which is not part of the state of Brandenburg. Antje mentioned die Lausitz - this region is roughly marked with an oval on the map. Hamburg is also shown in purple, in the north of Germany.

Antje Schollweck talks about her Trabbi, which she has called Schorschi. Trabant cars, known affectionately as Trabis were very common in the former East Germany. They have achieved iconic status. Schorschi comes from the name of a Trabi called Schorsch in the cult film Go Trabi Go.

Described image
Figure 20 The poster for the film Go Trabi Go.