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Advanced Spanish: Arts and crafts
Advanced Spanish: Arts and crafts

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Advanced Spanish: Arts and crafts


En esta unidad descubrirá el mundo del arte de la mano de artistas y artesanos españoles y latinoamericanos. Además de explorar la diferencia entre arte y artesanía, conocerá la artesanía canaria y el contexto histórico en el que ha evolucionado.

In order to get the maximum benefit from this course you should obtain copies of the following:

KATTÁN-IBARRA, J. AND POUNTAIN, C. J. (2003, 2nd revised edn) Modern Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide, Routledge, ISBN 0 415 27304 8.

Diccionario Salamanca de la lengua española (2000), Santillana/Universidad de Salamanca, ISBN 84 294 4371 1.

The Oxford Spanish Dictionary (2003, 3rd edn), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0 19 860475 0.

This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course L314 A buen puerto: advanced Spanish [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .