2.11 Video: Educational challenges faced by people with disabilities

Activity: Educational challenges faced by people with disabilities
Estimated study time: 10 minutes

  1. Watch the video in which Rhoda Garland, Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Disability Government of Malta, shares her views on the educational challenges faced by persons with disabilities, in particular related to accessibility of education.
  2. Note the key challenges Rhoda Garland identifies. Have you or someone you know experienced any of these challenges? If so, how did you address them? What other challenges might disabled people experience when accessing education?

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcBxEjRcnSc6O1ywfBqwgpo9WI-or3wn0D4l_GuwPnA/edit?usp=sharing

Last modified: Saturday, 17 February 2024, 5:22 AM