TESSA : Vers une formation appropriée des enseignant.e.s pour l’Afrique du 21ème siècle
Le cours examine les moyens d’aider les formateur.rice.s d’enseignant.e.s et les enseignant.e.s à développer de nouvelles approches d’enseignement.
16 hrs
TESSA: Teaching early reading in Africa – with African Storybook
Welcome to Teaching early reading in Africa, a course that introduces you to active teaching approaches that you can use to teach early reading. You will have the opportunity to practise new approaches in your classroom in a structured and supported way. We hope this course opens up possibilities for your teaching and gives you the confidence to experiment with new approaches. It provides ideas and tools that will enable you to become more expert in the field of early reading.
24 hrs
Apprentissage et enseignement inclusifs
Le premier de deux cours qui aident les praticien.ne.s à développer des pratiques pédagogiques inclusives. Il permettra aux participant.e.s de se constituer une « boîte à outils » de compétences, de connaissances et de ressources qui leur permettront de créer des salles de classe vraiment inclusives.
16 hrs
Ensemble vers une école inclusive
Bienvenue dans le cours Ensemble vers une école inclusive. Ce cours met en évidence les caractéristiques d'une école inclusive. Il prend comme point de départ le fait que l'enseignement inclusif est la responsabilité de tou.te.s les enseignant.e.s, et pas seulement de celles et ceux qui ont bénéficié d’une formation spéciale, et s'appuie largement sur le " modèle par vagues " de l'UNICEF pour l'éducation inclusive. Il s'appuie sur le cours Enseignement et apprentissage inclusifs et se concentre sur la "vague 2" du modèle d'intervention par vagues, en aidant les participant.e.s à développer des attitudes, des systèmes et des processus qui soutiennent une approche collaborative de l'inclusion.Le cours est axé sur la pratique et la réalisation de tâches, ce qui permet aux participant.e.s d'appliquer de nouveaux concepts à leur propre enseignement et de réfléchir à leur pratique avec d'autres participant.e.s. Les tâches sont largement basées sur l’expérimentation, productives et collaboratives, bien qu'il soit possible d'assimiler les nouveaux apprentissages et d'appliquer les idées exposées à des situations concrètes.Le cours s'adresse aux chef.fe.s d'établissements, aux enseignant.e.s du primaire ou du secondaire, ainsi qu'aux formateurs et formatrices d'enseignant.e.s dans les écoles normales ou les universités, ainsi qu’aux encadreur.e.s pédagogiques en charge de la formation professionnelle continue des enseignant.e.s en exercice. Pour suivre ce cours dans les meilleures conditions, Il est préférable d'avoir étudié au préalable le cours Apprentissage et enseignement inclusifs qui s’appuie sur la vague 1 du modèle d'intervention par vagues de l’UNICEF.
16 hrs
Supporting children's development
SPN course Supporting children's development is a short course advising how the development of children can be supported. The course covers ideas surrounding development and learning, behaviour, special needs and disabilities.
15 hrs
Introducing practical healthcare
SPN course Introducing practical healthcare is a short course which introduces the basic healthcare assistant role and healthcare practice. The course covers the healthcare assistant role, working with patients and colleagues, healthcare practice and duty of care.
15 hrs
Taking part in the voluntary sector
The SPN course Taking Part in the voluntary sector is a short course for people who are new to working or volunteering in the voluntary sector or those who might be looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in order to improve their career progression.
15 hrs
Understanding Parkinson's for health and social care staff
As a health or social care professional you may provide care for people with Parkinson's. It is likely that you will mostly come into contact with people with Parkinson's who are at the complex phase and this will be the focus on this course.
24 hrs
Parkinson's: managing palliative and end of life care
This course has been designed for professionals, such as Parkinson’s specialist nurses and other clinicians, who work as part of the specialist team during the palliative and end of life phases. It may also be useful for health and social care professionals who already have experience of working with people with Parkinson’s, but wish to enhance their knowledge of palliative and end of life care in Parkinson’s. The purpose of this course is to enhance your understanding of palliative and end of life care in Parkinson’s and to guide you through this journey alongside your client and their carers. It aims to improve the outcomes of this journey for all involved by encouraging early conversations about advance care planning, and the need to make decisions about treatments the client may or may not wish at the end of their life.
10 hrs
Parkinson's: Managing Bone Health and Fracture Risk
This course has been designed for professionals, such as Parkinson’s specialist nurses and other clinicians, who provide clinical input for people with Parkinson’s in outpatient and inpatient settings. Its purpose is to enhance your understanding and recognition of bone health issues in Parkinson’s and to guide you in assessing and managing the increased fracture risks associated with the condition.
10 hrs
Understanding Parkinson’s for health and social care staff
ORIGINAL VERSION OF THE COURSE. As a health or social care professional you may provide care for people with Parkinson's. It is likely that you will mostly come into contact with people with Parkinson's who are at the complex phase and this will be the focus on this course.
24 hrs
Keeping Volunteers Safe
COVID-19 had and continues to have a profound effect on all aspects of peoples lives, including volunteering and volunteer programmes. Keeping Volunteers Safe is a short course developed by Volunteer Scotland with support from the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership which reflects on the impact of COVID-19 on volunteer programmes. The course sets out a series of questions and considerations drawn from Volunteer Scotland discussions with volunteer managers as a way to help volunteer practitioners to examine how they will respond to COVID-19. The course is a work in progress, changing as the context changes, and is not prescriptive about what to do and what not to do, instead, it encourages practitioners to reflect on what is appropriate in their context.
10 hrs
Introducing leadership in voluntary organisations
This free course provides an opportunity for people who work within voluntary organisations, as paid employees or staff, to develop energetic, practical and thoughtful leadership practice. Approximately 15 hours; Introductory level After studying this course the learner will be able to: • approach leadership in a more energetic and thoughtful way • discuss approaches to leadership in relation to a number of pressing concerns relevant to voluntary organisations • practise leadership in a more robust way, through drawing on some key practices • offer a critique of dominant approaches to leadership in relation to cases from the voluntary sector • discuss and reflect on leadership in the voluntary sector in relation to ethics • articulate a form of leadership rooted in practice between diverse groups of people and contexts.
15 hrs
Collaborative leadership in voluntary organisations
This free course helps learners to reflect on and develop collaborative leadership practices that will make a difference. Approximately 24 hours; Intermediate level After studying this course the learner should be able to: • describe the context and need for collaborative forms of leadership • describe the range of different leadership identities suggested by collaborative settings and the power relationships implied in these identities • plan and think about the challenges of leading collaborations • experiment with a range of practices of collaborative leadership • practice collaborative leadership in a more robust way • offer a critique of collaborative leadership in relation to its potential and limitations for leadership of voluntary organisations • discuss and reflect on collaborative leadership in the voluntary sector in relation to power.
24 hrs
Involving Volunteers
This course is about the essential things which need to be considered to ensure a positive experience of volunteering. It asks you to consider those essentials, explore them in your own context and develop an approach to enabling them that is proportionate to that context. The course is structured around the volunteer’s perspective, from thinking about volunteering, through getting started and making a difference, to building on a successful experience. In each of the four sections overlapping phases of the volunteer journey we ask you to consider the issues raised, explore then reflect on them in your context, and develop an appropriate plan.
14 hrs
The World Wide Web and Internet safety
The World Wide Web is a fantastic resource, providing answers to any question imaginable. Learn how search the web for useful information, whilst staying safe from online threats.
1 hr
The Internet and the web
The WWW is just one service provided by the Internet! Investigate the other services that are available, identify the various types of different networks that are available for accessing them. Internet safety is discussed, with an emphasis on becoming a responsible digital citizen, aware of acceptable and unacceptable online behavior.
2 hrs
Using and understanding Internet services
Investigate the requirement for client/server processes to support Internet services and understand basic aspects of their operation. Further develop your awareness of Internet safety by identifying the appropriate agency to contact if you encounter upsetting or illegal online content.
2 hrs
Introduction to Data networks and IP addresses
An introduction to the requirement for IP addresses in order to deliver Internet services. Investigate the structure of the IPv4 address, and learn how to assign addresses to devices that are found in a home network. Follow the progress of a www transfer between a web browser and a web server, discovering why DNS helps make the WWW an easier place to visit.
2 hrs
Identify network hardware and protocols
Introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite, identifying the protocols used to support IP network communication, and briefly discussing their purpose. Network hardware devices are introduced, and their relationship with TCP/IP protocols is discussed. The www transfer between web browser/server is revisited, introducing the basic concepts of network address translation (NAT) in small home networks. Internet security is further developed, with an emphasis on protecting network devices from external threats.
2 hrs
The purpose of network hardware and protocols
A detailed investigation into the operation of the protocols within the TCP/IP protocol suites, discussing the services they provide for user applications. Network device operation is examined in more detail, with particular attention paid to how they interact with the TCP/IP protocols within the LAN. NAT is revisited in order to investigate its operation in larger networks, where multiple devices require its services.
2 hrs
The operation of LAN and WAN hardware and protocols
Wide Area Networks (WANs) are introduced, and a variety of different WAN technology suitable for providing home Internet connectivity is discussed. The differences in operation of between LANs and WANs is discussed, and the use of TCP/IP in facilitating communication between LANs and WANs is investigated in detail.
2 hrs