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Fundamentals of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling

Fundamentals of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling

About this course

  • 30 hours study
  • Level 2: Intermediate
  • Gain a digital badge


5 out of 5 stars

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    • Welcome to the Course!


      This course was developed by Cornerstone CGE, a dynamic virtual community that is committed to capacity building in applied general equilibrium analysis. Our free course is open to anyone and anywhere, helping learners to overcome barriers to building essential skills in CGE modelling.

      In this course, you will build a foundation in the theory and implementation of CGE models. Course materials will engage you in learning about key concepts and will provide you with step-by-step guidance in running a CGE model, developing experiments that describe real-world problems, and interpreting results from a general equilibrium perspective.  

      After completing the course, you will be able to comprehend and critically assess CGE-based studies, and you will be well-prepared to pursue further specialized training in CGE modeling.


      Hands-on work in this course uses the "UNI-CGE" model, a single-country CGE model written in the General Algebraic Modeling Software (GAMS). This CGE model is so-called because it is:

      • Universal  it combines the core elements of the major traditions in CGE modeling in a single-country CGE model that is streamlined to enhance learners’ understanding of its core elements.  

      • No-cost - the course is an open educational resource  that uses the free UNI-CGE model, free software and free data.

      • Intuitive - the goal of the course is to help you develop an intuitive understanding of economic behavior in a CGE model. This foundation will provide you with the skills to think critically about CGE-based analyses and can support your success as you advance toward further technical training in CGE modeling. 

      Have you thought about teaching a course on general equilibrium analysis, or are you already teaching a course and are looking for classroom material?  All Cornerstone CGE materials are "open educational resources," or OERs, shared under Creative Commons 4.0 copyright license BY-NC-SA. This means that you are are free to distribute, remix, adapt or build upon Cornerstone CGE material in your classroom.  

      Definitions of Creative Commons licensing

      Text materials used in the classroom can be downloaded by copying and pasting into Word or other apps.  Powerpoints used in the narrated videos can be downloaded from the "Downloadable Learning Resources" area in this classroom.  


      Note that some course materials may not be fully accessible and alternative versions are provided when practical.


      Privacy Statement


      This course conforms to the Open University's data protection and privacy policies. Learners who enroll in the course will be enrolling in the understanding that their name and email address will be visible to those users who have the course manager and teacher roles. They may contact you about your individual learner enquiries. Your information will not be shared with any third parties (non-OU staff) unless all identifying data have been removed from the dataset. Your information will not be used for marketing purposes. If any data reports that contain user identification information (name and email address) are downloaded, they will be stored on a secure server which is password protected or encrypted, and deleted after 6 months unless all user identification has been removed. 

  • Gain a digital badge

    Gain a digital badge

    By studying the course you will have the opportunity to gain a digital badge – you need to click on the ‘Enrol’ button to be able to do the quizzes and earn the badge.

  • Course learning outcomes

    After completing this course, you will be able to:

    • Describe and explain the economic behavior that drives a CGE model
    • Understand and explain the content and structure of a CGE model database 
    • Run the UNI-CGE model, a standard CGE model written in GAMS modeling software
    • Create and run model scenarios that represent real-world problems
    • Synthesize and interpret CGE model results from a general equilibrium perspective

  • Course dates:

    First Published 01/02/2024.

    Updated 05/09/2024

Course content

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Course Reviews

5 Ratings

5 reviews for this course

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Course reviews

  • Djilali Cheurfi

    Djilali Cheurfi2 January 2025 2:19

    Rating entered. No review given

  • ahmad Tamimi

    ahmad Tamimi5 October 2024 2:08

    Relevant, very useful, well organised. Big thank you!

  • Rodrigue Tchoffo

    My impression on this course

    Rodrigue Tchoffo19 June 2024 11:52

    I found this course very interesting. It helped me improve my skills in CGE modeling. Thanks to the team.


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5 reviews

About this course

  • 30 hours study
  • Level 2: Intermediate
  • Gain a digital badge


5 out of 5 stars

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You can start learning at any time. By signing up and enrolling you can track your progress and earn a Statement of Participation upon completion, all for free.

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Course rewards

  • Earn a free digital badge if you complete this course, to display and share your achievement.